Lunenburg United Methodist Charge


Antioch UMC                                                           Williams UMC


On our walk. . . . .                 

November 7, 2008

Pastor’s Message –

2 Timothy 4: 6-8

For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Many years ago, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur was relieved as UN Commander in the Far East. Some people say that this was one of the biggest mistakes any president ever made.  I do not know what would have happened if MacArthur’s policies were carried out in the Orient, but I do know this: MacArthur did a grand job in Japan

When he went to Japan, he said that the remaking of that nation was a “theological question.”  He felt that it was a matter of the Japanese getting right with God.  He called on us for 1,000 missionaries.  We never sent that many, but we have sent a large number, and some of the greatest revivals in modern history have been held in Japan.  Because of MacArthur’s matchless leadership and all the other contributing factors, Japan is a different country today.  MacArthur deserves great praise for the work that he did over there.

When the General came back to America after 14 years abroad, he made a speech to the American Congress.  It was one of the finest and most dramatic speeches ever heard in America.  At the end of the speech he quoted an old song of the Army, “Old Soldiers Never Die.”

But I don’t want to talk to you about MacArthur; I want to tell you of another old soldier, an old soldier of the Cross.  His name is Paul.  As we meet him in 2 Timothy 4:6-8, he is coming down toward the end of the way.  In a little while his head would roll off the block and they would pronounce him dead.  But his soul, his spirit, and the real Paul would be living on forever and ever with the Christ whom he loved.  It is true that old soldiers of the Cross never die.

Christians need to learn this lesson today.  Too many of them are mixed up with the things of this world. Thus their powers become dissipated and they are not able to do anything for God.  When we ask them to do something for the Lord and be faithful to the Church, they tell us that they are too busy.  When you are too busy to do something for God, you are busier than God wants you to be.

Paul also said that a soldier of the Cross must learn to endure hardness.  He was certainly a worthy example of this great truth.  Have we ever suffered anything for Christ?  Have we ever made a sacrifice for Him? Paul did this and calls on us to do the same thing (Romans 12:1).

Our fathers, brothers and sisters who have served so gallantly and suffered through some of the most devastating military actions in history are like Paul.  They gave of themselves both physically and mentally to assure that we could come together each week and give praise to God.  Some even gave their lives so we could join in the worship of God, and enjoy our freedoms.  Each and every member of the military both on active duty in far away lands and those who have served so gallantly deserve not only our gratitude but our prayers and love for what they did.  Paul was the consummate soldier for Christ and those who have served their country and God also were and are consummate soldiers.


Let us greet every veteran, on this approaching Veterans Day, with a handshake, a hug and a big thank you for doing what they did so we can praise, honor and worship God in this great country.


                 God bless


Upcoming Events – October 25– October 31


Saturday, November 8

   Williams Men’s Breakfast @ 8:00AM  

   Antioch Finance Committee Meeting @ 2:00PM

Monday, November 10

   Bible Study@ Antioch@7:00PM

Tuesday, November 11  

    Bible Study@ Audrey Smith’s @ 10:00 AM

    Administrative Council Meeting @ Antioch @ 7:00PM

Wednesday, November 12

   Prayer Meeting @ Williams @ 5:45 PM

   William’s Celebration Choir practice @ Williams @ 6:30 PM

Saturday, November 15

   Dead Sea Scrolls Trip @ 9:00AM @ Antioch

Sunday, November 16

   Lunenburg Charge Conference @2:30PM @ Antioch




Worship Events—October 26

  Service Theme: Being Prepared

 This week’s reading will be: Sermon Text     Matthew 25:1-13

                                               Hebrew Text      Joshua 24:1-3, 14-25

Pianists:   Leigh Ann Bacon

                Nancy Turner


Antioch Finance Committee to Meet


The Finance Committee for Antioch will meet Saturday, Nov 8 @ 2:00PM. A discussion of the budget for 2009 will take place. It is important that all committee members make every attempt to be there.


Antioch Board of Trustees to Meet


The Board of Trustees for Antioch will meet Sunday, Nov 9 immediately following services.  A discussion of the proposals for 2009 will take place.  It is important that all board members make every attempt to be present.





Antioch Administrative Council to Meet


The Administrative Council for Antioch will meet Tuesday, Nov 11 @ 7:00PM.  A discussion of issues for 2009 will take place as well as other pertinent issues pertaining to the Charge Conference.  Please join us for this time of decision making.


Trip to View the Dead Sea Scrolls


We are offering a trip to Raleigh to view the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Museum of Natural Resources.  If you would like to take part in this entertaining and informative event please meet us on Saturday, Nov 15 at 9:00AM.  The cost for the museum is $15 and the cost of transportation.  We need the money for the museum by Sunday, Nov. 9th.  Please make your checks payable to Antioch UMC.  We will probably need to car pool for the trip, because we did not have enough people to fill the bus and the cost would be prohibitive for just a few people.  If you are willing to drive, please let Rev. Ed know.  We will all chip in to pay for gas for the car you are riding in.



Williams Yard Sale and Stew

Williams held a yard and stew sale on November 1.  It was held at the home of Tom and Willie Ann Tanner.  We sincerely thank Tom and Willie Ann for the use of their home. The stew and yard sale was a great success, and we thank all who helped.




Please remember that we are collecting non-perishable items for Thanksgiving food baskets for the needy.  You can leave your donations in the box in the office at Antioch or in the Narthex at Williams.  Anything you can spare will be very helpful.  More and more people are in need during these difficult times.  Thanks in advance for your help.


Williams Thanksgiving Basket Raffle

Williams will be raffling a Thanksgiving Basket on Sunday November 22nd.  The basket will be filled with enough food to make a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner, plus several other items.  If you would like to purchase a ticket please see a member of Williams UMC or Jane DiStefano.  If you would like to make a donation to the basket, please see any member at Williams or give to Jane DiStefano.


Cookbooks are still available.  The Christmas Season will soon be upon us.  A great gift would be the Antioch Cookbook.  If you would like to order one, please contact Earl Callis or anyone at Antioch.  They can get a copy to you for $10 each.


Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  The importance of Sunday School is that, though you may think hearing the word will suffice for you, you really need to be in attendance at Sunday School to gather all the information that you can in an open discussion classroom.  Jesus’ word cannot be totally understood just by listening to a sermon.  You have to interact with it and with other Christians to learn what He was saying to us.  This is a life long study and you should take part.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.   Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM.


Evening Bible Study. Evening Bible study will continue on November 3 at 7:00PM. We will be reviewing the Book of Job.


Morning Bible Study. Morning Bible study will take place this week. We will meet on November 11 at 10:00 AM at Audrey Smith’s house. We will be reviewing the Book of Esther. If you would like to join in the discussion please join us.


If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at .   If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor send an e-mail to him at and we will add you to our list.



Remember: They gave all they could to let you have your freedoms. Love a Vet on this Veteran’s Day


Have a Blessed Week