On our walk. . . . .                 May 13, 2007


Pastor’s Message –


1 Chronicles 4: 9 -10

Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free of pain.” And God granted his request.


This little prayer hidden away in the opening pages of 1 Chronicles is an amazing piece of literature.  Here we have a man that is not known to many people; whose mother describes the pain she bore in child birth and we hear him pray.  Not a prayer for someone else but a prayer for himself. He asks God to enlarge his territory, his ministry.  Then he asks for God’s guidance and protection.  What does God do – He grants Jabez’s request.  Sometimes in our world we should invoke God to grant us a request because as he grants our request we will herald his name above all.  After all God loves us and wants us to be like his son.  And what better way to do that than to go to the Lord in prayer.  If we are praying everyday aren’t we communicating with God?  And if we are communicating with God don’t you think he hears us?  Then if we are doing what God wants, praying, don’t you think God will grant our requests?  Try praying Jabez’s prayer everyday and see if God is listening?  I think you will be surprised!    


God Bless


Upcoming Events – April 23-29


Monday, May 14, 2007

   PPR Committee @ Antioch @ 7:00 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

   Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s @ 10:00 AM

     Admin Board Mtg @ Antioch @ 7:00 PM

         This meeting is open to all. Please join in the

         discussion and decision making process of our church. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

   Prayer Meeting @ Williams @ 5:45 PM

   Choir Practice @ Williams @ 6:30 PM

Saturday, May 19, 2007

   Ladies Tea @ Williams @ 10:00 AM

Monday, May 21, 2007

     150th Anniversary Committee @ Antioch @ 7:00 PM



“Ladies Tea   - Make Bread Together – Knead and Bake!   The “Ladies Tea” will be a mission project this month.  We will be baking loaves of white and wheat bread to be distributed to people of your choice on Saturday, May 19th beginning at 10:00 AM.  If you would like to participate, please join us.  We need people to volunteer to visit and deliver the loaves, names to be a bread recipient, and donations of bread items:  eggs, yeast, flour, sugar, butter, Crisco.  A hot dog lunch, including our famous “tea” will be served at noon.  Bring a friend and a smile.  Everyone is welcome!



150th Anniversary Meeting, Antioch


There will be a meeting of the committee on Monday, May 21 @ 7:00PM at Antioch.


Cookbooks are available.  If you would like one please contact Susan Moseley or Gayle Grant.


Tickets for the Bagley print are to be turned in by Sunday, May 20th.  If you need more tickets, please call Mary Ann Cundiff.


The Auction scheduled for Saturday, June 23rd is looking for items to be auctioned off. If you have anything you would like to donate pleas contact Earl Callis.  We need a list of as many of these items as soon as possible so they can be listed in our advertising.


Mother’s Day Program.  The Mother’s Day Program was a huge success this year.  The children did a great job and all of our Mothers were very appreciative.  Many thanks to all of those who helped make the event a success.  As a special note:  It seems the Mother’s Day Program has been a tradition at Antioch for well over 75 years.  We also had a special presentation on the 400 Anniversary of Jamestown, VA. 





Williams Youth Group – The youth group met on Saturday, May 12th.  They designed and painted t-shirts and then had a spaghetti dinner.  The youth also had the opportunity to experience a special musical treat, learning a song and then getting to sing into the microphones.  They all had a wonderful time.




Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM. 






The Methodist Way


To be a member of a local United Methodist church is to be a member of the global United Methodist connection and a member of the church universal. This means that becoming a member of the Church means becoming a member of a fellowship without boundaries, extending around the world and through the centuries, made up of those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and come together to carry out his purpose.



If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at revedumc@yahoo.com   



If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor, please sign up in the Library or send an e-mail to him at revedumc@yahoo.com.




Vacation Bible School.  The rumors persist.  A Vacation Bible School this year in the Lunenburg Charge is being planned for early August.  Be watching “On Our Walk” for further information.  I will pass it on as I get it.



Please keep the following families in your prayers:

VA Tech Community

Elsie Pennington

Willie Doty

Family of Susan Matthews

Gayle Grant

Sheila Cage

Earl "Chuckie” Barnes

Lona Parham

Tommy Cage

Edna & Wilson Bagley

Christian Sutton

Charles Thomas

“B” & Teewah Hayes

Jimmy Chumney

Alice Wright

Sarah Agnes Callis

Sara Sutton

Maria Kay

Frances Hawthorne

Audrey Smith

Thomas Taylor

Family of Dave Barnes

Elijah Taylor

Moseley Family

CV & Agnes Thompson

Charlotte Webb

Kenny Cassada

Tracey McDaniel Mahr

Erik Springer

Toni Baird

Bertha Arthur

Lawrence Webb

Paul Turner

Walter B. Moseley

Peggy Stone

Grace Marshall

Marjorie Thompson

Family of Lucy Gay Nash

Ann Heffner

Grace DiStefano

If you have anyone who is in need of prayer, please send an e-mail and let us know.









In the Library:


Revelation, The  Author: Beverly Lewis
The Powerful Conclusion to the Blockbuster Abram's Daughters Series! Bittersweet and inspiring, The Revelation is a suspenseful story of long-awaited forgiveness, undying love, and elusive second chances in Pennsylvania's Amish country.  Jonas Mast's return from Apple Creek, Ohio has given Leah Ebersol reason to hope again.  Yet she endures an unexplained silence that makes her fear Peter Mast and stern Bishop Bontrager are conspiring to once again keep her and Jonas apart.  Impulsive Jake Mast pines for his first love.  But if he follows his brother Jonas back home to Gobbler's Knob, Leah and Sadie will be forced to reveal their closely guarded secret—a secret with the power to split the Mast and Ebersol families even further apart, maybe forever...




People are funny; they want the front of the bus, the middle of the road and the back of the church!


Have a blessed week