Lunenburg United Methodist Charge
Antioch UMC Williams UMC
On our walk. . . . .
March 26, 2008
1 Peter 1: 3-9 Praise to God for a Living Hope
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
Is there any hope? This is a question that many of us face at some point in our lives. Is there any hope...for the married couple who seem to wind up at the same dead-end of unresolved conflict again and again? Or what about the person who has fallen victim to alcohol, drugs, or gambling or any of a number of addictive behaviors? The person who is in so deep that he or she fears they’ll never find a way out? Is there any hope for them? Where is the hope for the mom-to-be who goes to her obstetrician for a routine checkup and hears the words, “I’m sorry. We can’t find a heartbeat?” Or for a single mom who works a full-time job by day, serves as both mother and father by night and wonders to herself-- “How long can I keep this up?” The question is...Where is hope? What is it’s source? What reason is there to hope? We’re not talking about the wistful, nebulous optimism that in the end everything will turn out alright---which is what--in this world--so often passes as hope. We’re talking about Christian hope. And Christian hope is a hope that does not rest on humankind...but on God and God alone. This hope rests on the living God who is known by His loving deeds...The God who raised Christ from the dead and gave Him glory, so that our faith and hope can be in Him. Christ is the only One who offers us this hope which is incorruptable and undefiled and will never fade away!!!! The resurrection is indeed history’s greatest miracle!!! By Christ’s resurrection, God has lit this inextinguishable hope in those of us who have experienced the new birth. Without the resurrection there would be no Christian Church because Christianity is a resurrection religion! The hope produced by the resurrection is a living and active reality; it produces the life of hope in which the eternal power of God is at work. And this life of hope finds it’s anchor in the One who is alive even now; it is not a product of human wishes, and it is not contingent upon the passing and perishing hopes of this time bound world. This living hope is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ! And it is a unique and personal event. This is what we as Christians celebrate every Sunday....every day! The resurrection is the crowning triumph of life in this created universe! Jesus Christ is our assurance and pledge that the future is meaningful, that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him”, that the last word is the life that the resurrection brings, and that those who are saved through the new birth can face the future with a spirit of triumph and confront trials without the deep darkness of despair. Because Jesus lives, we shall live also. Our future is not in the hands of fate or destiny, it is in the hands of God.
Have a blessed week Rev. Ed
Upcoming Events – March 27, 2008 – April 5,2008
Rev Ed will be taking time off this week. Therefore there will be no scheduled activities.
Worship Events –March 30, 2008
Service Theme: 2nd Sunday of Easter
This week’s reading will be: Sermon Text John 20: 19-31
Hebrew Text Psalm 16
Pianists: Leigh Ann Bacon
Special Events: Profession of Faith - Williams
Maundy Thursday
On Thursday, March 20, we celebrated Maundy Thursday with a service at William’s. There were about 20 people in attendance as we celebrated not only the Lord’s Supper but the act of servitude of foot washing. It was a time of joy and penitence.
Good Friday
On Friday, March 21, Williams UMC was the scene of a Good Friday service. We told the story of Christ’s Passion via candlelight and as each of the 14 parts of the Crucifixion was read a candle was extinguished till there was only the Christ candle lit. When we read about his dieing the Christ candle was extinguished and the church was in total darkness just as the world was that day 2000 years ago.
Sunrise Services
Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday March 23 at 6:30AM at Antioch was a joyful occasion. We were inside due to the cool temperatures, but the light of Christ’s resurrection was in the church and all who were in attendance. Breakfast was served immediately after services. Our thanks to all who helped with preparing the food and services.
150th Anniversary Throws Throws are still available. These beautiful throws will make a great present for a family member. Our supply is running low – about 3 or 4 left. The cost is $45.00 each. Please call Jane DiStefano if you would like to order a throw or have any questions. 434-676-2314
Cookbooks are still available.
Antioch has ordered an additional 400 copies. They are here and we have an abundance of them for sale if you wish to get one or more. The cost is $10 each. . If you would like to purchase one, you may contact any member of Antioch Church, or call Earl or Barbara Callis at 676-3063.
Report from the Mission Committee.
The Antioch Mission Committee is looking for volunteers to take part in a Walkathon to take place on May 3rd. Maybe you would like to form a team to do this walk. All pledges will be given to the Lunenberg Ministries to continue their work in our community. Attached is a pledge form and additional information in you are interested. Contact Brenda Barnes if more information is needed.
Sunday School is available each Sunday morning. The importance of Sunday School is that, though you may think hearing the word will suffice for you, you really need to be in attendance at Sunday School to gather all the information that you can in an open discussion classroom. Jesus’ word cannot be totally understood just by listening to a sermon. You have to interact with it and with other Christians to learn what He was saying to us. This is a life long study and you should take part. There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM.
Evening Bible Study. Evening Bible study will continue on April 8 at 7:00PM at Antioch. We will be reviewing chapters 11-20 of the Book of Judges. We will discuss the events depicted in the book. If you are looking for a study of God’s word join us not only for the study, but good fellowship.
Morning Bible Study. Morning Bible study will continue on April 8 at 10:00AM at Audrey Smith’s house. We will be reviewing the first 10 chapters of the Book of Judges. We will discuss the events depicted in the book. If you are looking for a study of God’s word join us not only for the study, but good fellowship.
If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone: 252-532-0952. He can also be reached via e-mail at . If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor send an e-mail to him at and we will add you to our list.
Please keep the following families in your prayers:
Marjorie Thompson
Christian Sutton
Bertha Arthur
Sarah Agnes Callis
Sheila Cage
Jeanette Smith
Family of Thomas Reeves
Sara Sutton
Jeff Hendricks
Earl "Chucky” Barnes
Our Military
Nathan Hendricks
Edna & Wilson Bagley
Mae Overby
Maria Kay
Dorothy Shields
Doug Winn
Frances Hawthorne
Ellen & John Gentry
Nancy Grant
Elizabeth Biggerstaff
Becky Eades & boys
Gertrude Hite
Bernard Bottoms
Mildred Carter
Tommy Cage
Paul & Jing Turner
Family of Donald Shoop
Tom Tanner
Harry Smith
Lindsey Abernathy
Grace DiStefano
Margaret Gregory
Margaret Smith
Joe Coleman
Alicia Clary
Junior McHenry
Denise Harper
Layton Powell
Rev. Allen Branson
Alyene Neal
Judy Dawson
CV & Agnes Thompson
Rev. Earl Pinchbeck
Nan Clemmons
Mary Hayes
Cynthia Peebles
Lydia Payne
Kenneth McDaniel
Virginia King
David King
Justin McDaniel
Thomas Clegg
Haynie Hite
John & Lori McDaniel
Family of Todd Miller
Danny Horne
David Arthur
Dawn Bacon
Wayne Hendricks
Wendy Ripberger
Mary Crowder
Jessie Driggs
Amanda & Sarah McLain
Kitty Matthews
The Methodist Way –
Primary among the means of grace is the Lord’s Supper. Sometimes Methodists call this sacrament Holy Communion; sometimes it is called Eucharist. A sacrament has these characteristics: Jesus Christ asked his followers to do it; there is some physical symbol; God has promised to give grace, to which the response is faith.
Some Christian traditions claim that the Lord’s Supper is simply a human memorial (a remembering) of what God has done in the death of Jesus Christ. Other Christian traditions assert that the elements (bread and wine) are not just signs of the body and blood of Christ, bur actually become the body and blood of Christ. As often is the case, Methodists get an understanding from both of these views: there is a real presence of Jesus Christ in this sacrament, but it is a spiritual presence, not a bodily presence. Of Course, it is nonetheless real for being spiritual!
There are many images of and dimensions to the Lord’s Supper. Is it a family meal? Yes, it is a gathering at the family Table (1Cor. 11:33). Is it a partaking of the body and blood of Jesus? Yes, our Lord made that proclamation himself (Matt. 26:26-28). Is it an anticipation of God’s full reign in the coming kingdom? Yes, it is an advance taste of the days God has planned for us (Luke 14:15). Is it testimony to our Lord’s death for us? Yes, it is the presence again of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross (1 Cor. 11:26). Is it witness to God’s use of ordinary life to give extraordinary gifts? Yes, bread and wine are basic, daily food, but God touches them hear with special grace (1 Cor. 11:23-24). Is it a way to remember Jesus? Yes, Christ’s sacrifice was once and for all, but commemorating that sacrifice is par of the Table (Heb.7: 27; Luke 22:19). Is it a fellowship of believers? Yes, there is unity at the Lord’s Table (1 Cor10:16-17). Is it thanksgiving for what God has done in Christ? Yes, our Lord gave thanks and so do we (Mark 14: 22-23). Is it a joyful occasion? Yes, although the Lord’s Supper is about serious business, it is a joyful business (Acts 2:46-47)!
Being Methodist in the Bible Belt” F. Belton Joyner, Jr.
Remember: The best mathematical equation I have ever seen:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given
Have a Blessed Week
The Fifth Annual
When: 9:00 AM, May 3, 2008
Where: Victoria and Kenbridge, VA.
Start: Central High School, Victoria, VA
End: Farmer’s Foods, Kenbridge, Virginia 23944
Distance: ~7 Miles
Walker/Church ____________________________________________
Total Amount Pledged: ___________________________________________
Sponsor Amount Pledged
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