Lunenburg United Methodist Charge


Antioch UMC                                                           Williams UMC


On our walk. . . . .                 

March 19, 2008

Pastor’s Message – Holy Week Think about it!




Nuff said!



Upcoming Events – March 20, 2008 – March 26, 2008


Thursday, March 20, 2008 --  Maundy Thursday

   Service @ Williams@ 7:00PM

Friday, March 21, 2008

   Service of Tennebrae @ Williams@ 7:00PM

Sunday, March23, 2008 –Palm Sunday

    Sunrise Service @ Antioch @ 6:30 AM

        Breakfast after services

Monday, March24, 2008

    Evening Bible Study @ Parsonage @ 7:00 PM

Tuesday March 25, 2008  

   Bible Study@ Parsonage @ 10:00 AM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

   Prayer Service @ Williams@ 5:45PM

   Choir Practice @ Williams @ 6:30 PM



Worship Events –March 23, 2008


 Service Theme: Easter Sunday

 This week’s reading will be: Sermon Text    Luke 24: 1-35

                                               Hebrew Text    Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

Pianists:      Nancy Turner

                    Diane Bacon

Special Events: Communion


Maundy Thursday


On Thursday, March 20, we will celebrate the first Lord’s Supper with a service at William’s at 7:00PM. Please join us in this celebration of this wonderful occasion and the events that led up to it.



Good Friday


On Friday, March 21, at 7:00PM Williams UMC will be the scene of a Good Friday service. We will be doing a service of Tennebrae which is the telling of the events of that day. This is a very moving service and I invite all to attend.


Sunrise Services


Everyone is invited to Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday March 23 at 6:30AM at Antioch.  Join us as we celebrate the risen Christ outside we hope. Breakfast will be served immediately after services.


150th Anniversary Throws   Throws are still available. These beautiful throws will make a great present for a family member. Our supply is running low – about 5-6 left.  The cost is $45.00 each.  Please call Jane DiStefano if you would like to order a throw or have any questions.  434-676-2314


Cookbooks are still available.


 Antioch has ordered an additional 400 copies. They are here and we have an abundance of them for sale if you wish to get one or more. The cost is $10 each. . If you would like to purchase one, you may contact any member of Antioch Church, or call Earl or Barbara Callis at 676-3063


Report from the Mission Committee.


 The Antioch Mission Committee led the congregation in a program called “Two Cents per Meal”. This program will help the Lunenburg Ministries resolve a short fall in their ability to distribute food to the needy in our community. The containers were handed out and returned on Palm Sunday.  We took the contents of all the containers and delivered them during Community Palm Sunday Service in Kenbridge. At that time $234.00 was delivered by our church. Miscellaneous change can amount to something and be put to good use. Thanks to all who took part in this event.


Help the People of Chacocente


As a start to help those less fortunate in our world are the people that Brenda Barnes helped in January.  Please look at the following and if you can, use this product.  It only takes your use not your money to provide funding for a disadvantaged area in the world. Let us ALL reach out and help these people.

GoodSearch makes Good “Cents

Internet and supporting Chacocente. Every search you make using GoodSearch earns one cent for Chacocente. Searching for a way to help children move out of the dump? Use GoodSearch! You can now support Project Chacocente every time you browse the Internet! A new search engine called GoodSearch, powered by Yahoo!, donates 50% of its advertising revenue to nonprofit organizations and schools selected by its users. To benefit Chacocente, all you have to do is download the Good-Search toolbar, which is free, and use it when you search for any topic on the Internet. Download GoodSearch at- and type in “Project Chacocente” as the organization you would like to benefit. You can immediately begin searching the day you download; Chacocente could receiveU$7,300 a year. That’s enough to feed our families for 9 months!! It costs you nothing, so please download GoodSearch today.


Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  The importance of Sunday School is that, though you may think hearing the word will suffice for you, you really need to be in attendance at Sunday School to gather all the information that you can in an open discussion classroom.  Jesus’ word cannot be totally understood just by listening to a sermon.  You have to interact with it and with other Christians to learn what He was saying to us.  This is a life long study and you should take part.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.   Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM.


Evening Bible Study. Evening Bible study will continue on March 24 at 7:00PM at Antioch. We will be reviewing the first 10 chapters of the Book of Judges. We will discuss the events depicted in the book. If you are looking for a study of God’s word join us not only for the study, but good fellowship.


Morning Bible Study. Evening Bible study will continue on March 25 at 10:00AM at Audrey Smith’s house. We will be reviewing the first 10 chapters of the Book of Judges. We will discuss the events depicted in the book. If you are looking for a study of God’s word join us not only for the study, but good fellowship.


If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at .   If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor send an e-mail to him at and we will add you to our list.



Please keep the following families in your prayers:

Marjorie Thompson

Christian Sutton

Bertha Arthur

Sarah Agnes Callis

Sheila Cage

Jeanette Smith

Victor Ozaist & Family

Sara Sutton

Jeff Hendricks

Earl "Chucky” Barnes

Our Military

Nathan Hendricks

Edna & Wilson Bagley

Mae Overby

Maria Kay

Dorothy Shields

Danny Horne

Frances Hawthorne

Ellen & John Gentry

Nancy Grant

Elizabeth Bigger staff 

Becky Eades & boys

Gertrude Hite

Bernard Bottoms

Gerry Cook

Tommy Cage

Rosa Elliott & Family

Denise Harper

Susan Moseley

Harry Smith

Rev. & Mrs. Robert Day

Grace DiStefano

Margaret Gregory

Margaret Smith

Joe Coleman

Alicia Clary

Junior McHenry

Audrey Smith

Layton Powell

Rev. Allen Branson

Tony Chumney

Dorothy Driscoll

CV & Agnes Thompson

Rev. Earl Pinchbeck

Nan Clemmons

Mary Hayes

Cynthia Peebles

Gayle Grant

Jimmy Chumney

Virginia King

David King




The Methodist Way – Will return next week


      Being Methodist in the Bible Belt” F. Belton Joyner, Jr.



Remember: The best mathematical equation I have ever seen:

                         1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given

Have a Blessed Week