On our walk. . . . . . . . . . .                                   March 11, 2007


Pastor’s Message –


Luke 15: 1-2   Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him.  But the Pharisees and teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” 


Jesus, much to the concern of the Pharisees and teachers, openly accepted sinners and tax collectors.  He reached out to them to bring them the good news of what God was promising them.  He was trying to make disciples of these, the lowest class in the Jewish society.  What Jesus is trying to tell us is that we are to reach out to those whose lives have been less than perfect, to bring the good news of his resurrection to every person who has not heard it.  Though they be sinners, it is our responsibility to welcome them to our world and the world that Jesus has prepared for them.  We are to be disciples and spread the good news.


This week, work on reaching out to one person.  Tell them about our risen Savior and the life he offers all mankind. Tell them that they can have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Spread the love that he offers each of us.


Hope you have a great week.  God Bless!

                                                                                       Rev. Ed


Upcoming Events – March 12 – 18


This Week in the Lunenburg Charge:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

   Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s @ 10:00 AM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

   Prayer Meeting @ Williams @ 5:45 PM

   Choir Practice @ Williams @ 6:30 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

   Antioch Cemetery Committee @ Antioch immediately after services

Monday, March 19, 2007

   150th Anniversary Mtg @ Antioch @ 7:00 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

   Ladies Tea @ Williams @ 3:00 PM


Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM. 


The Stop Hunger Now Mission took place this afternoon Sunday, March 11th at 4:00 PM.  The Lunenburg Charge was well represented  with 13 people in attendance.  We packed dried vegetables, rice, soy and a special protein into bags that would feed a family of 6.  We worked hard and had a lot of fun and good fellowship with members of St. John’s Episcopal Church and Kenbridge UMC.  We packaged 7000 meals to be shipped overseas for starving children.   – Do you know that every three seconds a child dies from starvation?  Can you imagine? 


At Bible Study this week we will begin studying the gospels’ description of Holy Week.  This will be an interpretive study so please join us.


Congratulations to Mary Ann and Henry Lee Cundiff who are the proud grandparents of a new granddaughter born March 5, 2007 at St. Mary’s Hospital.  Kathleen Quinn Cundiff weighed 9 pounds and was 22” long.  The proud parents are Erin and Lee Cundiff.


Reminder:  Confirmation Class will meet next Sunday at 2:00 PM.


If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you may call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at revedumc@yahoo.com   


If you would like to receive e-mail messages from the pastor, please sign up in the Library or send an e-mail to him at revedumc@yahoo.com.


On March 18th we will take a special offering titled “One Great Hour of Sharing.”  This offering is to go to UMCOR to help with its mission and relief work throughout the world. 


Williams will hold its monthly “Ladies Tea” on March 24 at 3:00 PM.  Please plan on joining them for fellowship over cups of hot tea.  Coffee and decaf will also be served.   This is a really special time for Ladies to get together, relax and chat – and eat.  Everyone who attends has a great time.


The 150th Anniversary Committee will meet on Monday, March 19th at 7:00 PM.  Please come prepared to report on your committees activities.  And if you have any suggestions, please see a member of the committee.



Please keep the following families in your prayers:

Earl "Chuckie” Barnes

Lona Parham

Willie Doty

Edna & Wilson Bagley

Sara A. Callis

Sheila Cage

“B” & Teewah Hayes

Allie Daniel

Tommy Cage

Frances Hawthorne

Audrey Smith

Kenny Cassada

Justin McDaniel

 Gertrude Hite

Joe Coleman

Kenneth McDaniel

Willis Family

Laura Gee Parish

John & Ellen Gentry

Charlotte Webb

Chuck White

Dennis Hammond

Bertha Arthur

Connie Smith

Marjorie Thompson

David Glassock

Lucy Gay Nash

Adams Family

Grace Marshall

Peggy Stone

If you have anyone who is in need of prayer, please place their names on the Prayer List.



Here are a few of the pictures that were taken during the Stop Hunger Now Mission: