Lunenburg United Methodist Charge


Antioch UMC                                                           Williams UMC


On our walk. . . . .                 

January 13, 2009



As we begin the new year it is time to realize that our churches are going to go through some changes as we move forward with the programs of the Church.  We will be undertaking such programs as the Five Practices of a Fruitful Congregation, becoming part of the Conference program “All Things New,” and developing programs to grow our facilities and our congregations.  With that in mind I thought it would be a good time to let everybody know who the leaders of the church are and the responsibilities of the committees that will lead us this year.  This is your church and we can only be successful with your participation in the programs that are being considered.  Your membership vows in the church state that “you will be loyal to the United Methodist Church, and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries.  (You) will faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service.”  Are you ready to move forward? Are you ready to be the church you can be?  Are you ready to accept the least of us as we grow and reach out to not only a community but a world in definite need of Jesus Christ? Are you committed?


We need to be committed.  Like those  football, basketball, or NASCAR fans who are committed to their team or driver, we need to have that same commitment to our God and His Son.  We must unabashedly resolve this year to be committed totally, joyfully, unreservedly, to the kingdom and grace of God.  This year let us, through our missions, service, evangelism, hospitality, joyous and inspiring worship, proclaim the beloved children of God.  In other word, let us be “loud and proud, large and in charge’ as the community of grace, the body of Christ in this place. Let us be committed!


Have a blessed week   

  Rev. Ed


Leadership Committees & Their Resposibilities

Administrative Board

The Primary Task of the Administrative Board is to: (1) carry out the business of the charge conference; (2) help the congregation articulate its vision; (3) oversee planning of the congregation, (4) develop systems that assure people are received into fellowship, guided and encouraged in their spiritual transformation and growth, and supported as they live out their lives as Christian disciples .


Responsibilities of the Administrative Board

 The Administrative Board is the primary decision-making, evaluating, and forward-looking body of the church.  They support ministry and oversee administration through meetings held monthly. Some of the specific duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Board follow:

1. Be accountable to and serve as the executive agency of the charge conference, overseeing the administration and organization for ministry of the congregation.  2. Provide for effective pastoral and lay leadership for the mission and ministry of the congregation;  3. Provide for financial support, physical facilities and the legal obligations of the congregation and to recommend to the charge conference the compensation, housing needs and benefits for pastors and other paid staff;  4. Provide for the connectional responsibilities of the congregation; to see that the congregation's relations to appropriate annual conference and district programs and structures are maintained;   5. Constantly monitor the current reality of the congregation: that is, have a continuous awareness of the concerns, hopes, and needs of the community (including the congregation) and an understanding of how the congregation may address those concerns and needs.  This will involve knowing the demographic facts of both congregation and community and understanding what the congregation's standing in the community is.  6 See that the congregation (a) has a shared vision that is clearly understood and supported by its members and (b) sets goals which are consistent with the mission of the church and that move the congregation toward its vision.  7. See to the congregation's involvement in ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness to the development of leadership and to the evaluation of the congregation's 'discipleship in these areas of ministry.  8. Promote organizational learning in the congregation.  9. Encourage and support an inclusive and ecumenical spirit within the congregation.


Who is on this Year's Board?

ANTIOCH:  Pastor- Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader- Wayne Hendricks, Chair- Tommy Barnes, Assistant Chair- Tommy Conners, Trustees- Frank Bacon, Finance- Earl Callis, Sunday School – Walt Moseley, PPR- Mary Ann Cundiff, UMW- Nannie Sue Dawson, Family Min- Diane Overby, Missions Brenda Barnes, Evangelism – Betsey Hendricks


WILLIAMS:  Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Sammy Reese, Chair – Charles Turner, Truustee – Charles Turner, Finance – Ida Bowen, Sunday School – Sammy Reese, PPR – Barbara Reese, Worship – Sam Armstrong



The Board of Trustees

What Is The Job Of A Trustee?  They supervise and maintain all property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.  They will work closely with the Administrative Board to respond to God's call.


What Are Their Basic Responsibilities?   1. To oversee, maintain, and supervise all local church property;  2.  To report annually to the charge conference on the state of the church's property, equipment, investments, and resources;  3.  To receive and administer all gifts made to the congregation;  4.  To make certain that all trust funds of the congregation are invested properly;  5.  To be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church buildings and grounds;  6.  To maintain adequate insurance coverage on all church property and to develop appropriate risk-management policies;  7.  To submit to the committee on finance annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases;  8.  To be accountable to the charge conference and to the administrative council.


Important Ongoing Responsibilities

1. Conduct an annual inventory of all real property;  2. Inspect and inventory all equipment and set up a maintenance schedule;  3. Set up a schedule for painting and redecorating;  4. Consider the merits of service contracts on large equipment such as air conditioners, refrigerators, heating systems, typewriters, copiers, computers, and other such equipment;  5. Ensure that the church facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities;  6. Develop guidelines for receiving and managing wills, trusts, bequests, and other investments given to the church;  7. Contact the local utility company for an energy audit;  8. Evaluate the insurance coverage annually and work with the insurer to develop risk-management policies for the church.


Who Is on this Years Board?

ANTIOCH:   Pastor – Ed DiSteffano, Lay Leader, Wayne Hendricks, Frank Bacon- Chair, Ronnie Overby, Jeff Bacon, Ricky Bacon, Dee Hite, Henry Lee Cundiff

WILLIAMS:    Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Sammy Reese, Chair – Charles Turner, Jim Maynard, Sam Armstrong, Ida Bowen, Betty Yerby


Pastor – Parish Relations Committee

The PPRC is the body that is responsible for assuring that fairness, justice, and appreciation are shown for those who facilitate God's work in the name of the church.  An effective and responsible PPRC moves the local church toward attaining its God-given vision and mission.  The PPRC works as a team within the congregation to work with the pastor, the congregation (individually and corporately), the community outside the walls of the church, the district superintendent, and the United Methodist connectional church. This committee has the primary responsibility for managing relationships among these groups.  "Manage" means guide, teach, mentor, tend to conflict, and organize celebration of ministry.  Manage does not mean to control these functions!  Other responsibilities for the PPRC include: explaining the nature and function of ministry to the congregation, conferring with the congregation and the pastor about ministry direction, assessing the ministry of the congregation and the pastor, conferring and consulting with the district superintendent, supporting lifelong learning (continuing education) for all staff, and identifying individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.  The committee is required to meet at least quarterly. It may be called to meet by the bishop, the district superintendent, the pastor, or the chairperson of the committee.  It may not meet without the knowledge of the pastor or the district superintendent.  The measure of an effective PPRC is growth in congregational ministry in one or more of these areas: faith, service, love of God and love of others, positive relationships.


 What Are Their Responsibilities?   Several functions and responsibilities of the PPRC continue throughout the year.  These include assessing staff and listening to the congregation to increase effectiveness of ministry and identifying candidates for ordained ministry.  First Quarter: January-March: 1. Provide training or review for all committee members.  In reviewing responsibilities, be sure to include a report on the current status of candidates for ordained ministry recommended by the charge conference.  The congregation needs to support and encourage candidates through the years of training and formation for ordained ministry;  2.  Explore the nature and function of the church and ministry.  Find out the pastoral duties that are being performed.  Joys and concerns should be shared with the committee.  Second Quarter: April-June  1. Have a clear understanding between the PPRC and the Pastor about the expectations of Pastor; share the findings with the Pastor and agree on who will follow up to improve ministry.  Decide who, if anyone, will receive this information and how it will be interpreted by your committee.  This task can be assigned to subcommittees to work with the pastor to complete the evaluation of their area of ministry.  Third Quarter: July-September  1  Review non-salary support for the pastor, such as vacation, business expenses, professional and continuing education expenses.  Make recommendations for adjustments.  Review salary-and-benefits packages for the pastor for the coming year and send recommendations to the finance committee for their consideration.  (That committee will report its own recommendations to the church council for approval prior to the charge/church conference.) Fourth Quarter: October-December  1. Compare vision/mission statements, charge conference goals, and job descriptions; revise job descriptions, if necessary, in consultation with the pastor.  2. Evaluate the total work of this committee. Ask for input from the pastor. Search for ways to improve.  The committee and staff should agree on what to report to the congregation and to the church council.


Who is on this Year's Committee: 
ANTIOCH:  Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader- Wayne Hendricks, Chair – Mary Ann Cundiff, Ronnie Overby, Bobby Bagley, Abbey Barnes, William Bacon, Wanda Chumney
WILLIAMS:  Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Sammy Reese, Chair – Barbara Reese, Kay Davis, Betty Yerby

The Finance Committee

The job of the Committee on Finance is to identify, perfect, and manage and report the finance system for the congregation.  The finance system is the processes of raising, managing, and dispersing the finances so that the mission and vision of the congregation can be achieved.  The ministry of finance in a United Methodist congregation will be influenced, more than anything else, by our success in demonstrating the spiritual connection between the offering and the ministry it enables.  To be called into the financial ministry of the Church is to do holy work.

Responsibilities of the Finance Committee

1. Study the mission/vision of the church and determine how your work will assist the church in the accomplishment of this mission/vision;   2.  Identify financial and missional goals for the year;  3.    Develop the annual budget;   4. Decide when and how to conduct the annual fund campaign;  5. Decide how much of the annual income should be reached by the end of each quarter and what will be done about any short-fall in expected income;  6. See that the annual audit is completed;  7. Report to the Administrative board.  The committee should meet far enough in advance of each regular session of the board to enable it to develop a complete report on the financial status of the church;  8. Develop a plan for the year's work, including a schedule of future meetings. Responsibility for the financial health of a congregation is an awesome task.  The congregation looks to you to provide for the underwriting of the ministry of their church.  In providing "direction" you are demonstrating, by word and action, that someone is in control, that there is a plan, and that faithful stewards are leading the congregation.


Who is on this Year's Committee:

ANITOCH:  Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Wayne Hendricks, Chair- Earl Callis, Financial Secretary- Susan Moseley, Abbey Barnes, Gayle Grant, Jimmy Chumney, Mary Ann Cundiff, Ronnie Overby, Jeffrey Bacon, Frank Bacon 

WILLIAMS:   Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Sammy Reese, Chair – Ida Bowen, Charles Turner, Thomas Taylor, Nancy Turner, Jim Maynard

Outreach – Mission, Family Ministries, Evangelism

Churches of every size can and should have interest, involvement, and partnership in God's mission. Mission programs are not an option in the church; they are the foundation for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Mission is a natural aspect of any Christian lifestyle and needs to be incorporated into the ongoing life of every congregation.  The basis of this theology is that we are all partners in God's mission and are all called to participate.  We have heard the witness to a living God who does not stay in one place but moves in mission to redeem, restore, and reconcile the whole creation and all created beings.  We have heard of men and women being loosed from the bondage of sin, turning from self to embrace the gospel of Christ, and finding new life through loving and serving others.  Through the Holy Spirit, the church continues to spread the revelation of God in Christ throughout the world by joining God in mission.  God's mission is marked by revelation, incarnation, and redemption.  The church in mission continues the model of Jesus Christ in mission.


 Responsibilities of the Outreach

1. Develop a continuous, year-round program of mission education so that the congregation will be better informed, more knowledgeable, and more motivated to be supportive of the mission outreach of the church.   2. Identify the needs of your community, your country, and your world and engage your congregation in mission opportunities and service projects that seek to address these needs;   3. As mission personnel be aware of the different opportunities for service through your church and enlist church members to serve as missionaries or persons in mission in our nation and around the world;  4. Seek to expand your congregation's mission and benevolence budget and ensure that your congregation is provided every opportunity to participate financially in God's mission through the church.  5.  Develop programs for families. Foster family togetherness and fellowship with others.  Assist Missions and Evangelism in their endeavors to reach out to not only our church but the community.  6.  Develop program to evangelize the Lord Jesus Christ.  With the assistance of Missions and Family Ministries reach out to our community both church and unchurched to bring the Word of God to them and lead them to conversion to Christ.


Who is on this Year's Committee:

ANTIOCH:  Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Wayne Hendricks, Chair – Brenda Barnes- Betsey Hendricks- Diane Overby, Dawn Bacon, Robyn Fowler, Joyce Mc Daniel, Walt Moseley, Tess Barnes, Sara Hite, Trudy Wilkins, Ginny Arthur, Audrey Smith, 

WILLIAMS:   Pastor – Ed DiStefano, Lay Leader – Sammy Reese, Chair -  Barbara Reese, Thomas Taylor, Betty Yerby

This Weeks Event:

Saturday, January 17

   SouthSide Emmaus Gathering @ Crenshaw UMC , Blackstone @ 6:30 PM

Monday, January 19

  Bible Study @ Antioch @ 7:00 PM

Tuesday, January 20

  Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s @ 10:00 AM

   UMW @ Shirley Hites @ 7:30 PM

 Wednesday, January 21

   Prayer Meeting @ Williams @ 5:45 PM

    Choir Practice @ Williams @ 6:30 PM






Worship Events –Jan. 18


Worship theme: Prepare to Follow

Hebrew Text: Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18

Sermon Text: John 1: 43-51


                                               Jan. 25

Worship theme: Being Called

Hebrew Text: Jonah 3: 1-5, 10

Sermon Text: Mark 1:14-20


Training Offered

Jan 18 2-5:30 Training for all church officers will be offered at VUMAC. This training will cover all aspects of the church. If you would like to attend please see Rev. Ed for details. The training will be in conjunction with the Petersburg District.




Sunday School is available each Sunday morning.  The importance of Sunday School is that, though you may think hearing the word will suffice for you, you really need to be in attendance at Sunday School to gather all the information that you can in an open discussion classroom.  Jesus’ word cannot be totally understood just by listening to a sermon.  You have to interact with it and with other Christians to learn what He was saying to us.  This is a life long study and you should take part.  There is a class for every age so please plan on joining us to learn more about our Lord, Jesus Christ.   Sunday School at Williams begins at 10:45 AM and at Antioch at 10:00 AM.



Evening Bible Study   . Evening Bible study will continue on January 19 at 7:00PM at Antioch.  We will be reviewing Psalms.  We will discuss individual Psalms.  If you are looking for a study of God’s word join us not only for the study, but good fellowship.



Morning Bible Study. Morning Bible study will continue on January 20 at 10:00AM at Audrey Smith’s house.  We will be reviewing Psalms.  We will discuss individual Psalms If you are looking for a study of God’s word join us not only for the study, but good fellowship.


If you cannot reach Rev. Ed at the parsonage, you can call him on his cell phone:  252-532-0952.  He can also be reached via e-mail at



Our Soldiers in Iraq
The following local soldiers are serving our country in Iraq.  If you would like to they would appreciate a note from home.
Soldiers' names:  SSG Fowler, Thomas J; 
                               SGT Dutzman, Laura L; 
                               SGT Thompson   Christopher R
 Address:  180th EN CO

                   54th EN BN

                  APO AE  09322



Prayer List   

Please keep the following families in your prayers:

Marjorie Thompson

Christian Sutton

Mike Williams

Myrtle Brookwell Family

Sheila Cage

Jeff Hendricks

Earl "Chucky” Barnes

Sara Sutton

Nathan Hendricks

Edna A. Bagley

Our Military

Maria Kay

Ellen & John Gentry

Cameron Fowler

David Jones

Becky Eades & boys

Edith Parham

Dee Welch

Frances Hawthorne

Tommy Cage

Bernard Bottoms

Harry & Margaret Smith

Grace DiStefano

Gayle Grant

Walter B. & Carolyn Moseley

Gertrude Hite

David King

Fred & Denise Harper

Willie Hite

Mrs. Walker

Joni, Kendall, Anthony Newcomb

Christopher Thompson

Betty Reese

CV & Agnes Thompson

Doug Winn

Betty Roegge

Elizabeth Crowder

Dorothy Driskill

Bertha Arthur

Margaret J. Conner

Kathy Mc Reynolds

Allen Alcock

Dorothy Ann Irby

Vince Callis

Virginia Overby

Elizabeth Biggerstaff 

Otha Wilkins

Alicia Clary

Lisa Robinson

Willette Golson

Gail Smith

Nancy Grant

Warren Jackson

Justin McDaniel

Peggy & Charlie Baldwin

Elsie Pennington

Tom Fowler

Rev Allen Branson

Sherry Cobb

Rev Randy Williams

Young Adults to Meet
The young adults of Antioch will meet on Sunday Jan. 25 @12;30 PM.  We hope to have an open frank discussion about their needs and what they would like to see take place in their church.  
If you have not received an invitation to join us please let Rev Ed, Wayne Hendricks or Tommy Barnes know you would like to join in on the discussion.
Ladies Tea
Williams Ladies Tea will meet on Saturday, Jan 31 @10:00 AM.  This month the ladies will be making soup to take to the shut ins in our charge.  
If you would like to help and have a great time of fellowship please join them.
A Note From the Outreach Committee:
F   R   A   N   K   ?
Closing Thoughts:
Try Jesus. If you don’t like him, the Devil will always take you back!
Be Blessed, Go with Christ