Opportunities for Ministry and Service



   Is a beautiful day in the life of the church, for which we give          thanks. We are glad you are worshipping with us this morning.


Tuesday, Sept 11

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10 AM. We begin 1 John. Come and join us. All are welcome!


Wednesday, Sept 12

Celebration Choir rehearsal at Williams, 6:30 PM


Sunday, Sept 16

Third Sunday Luncheon at Williams, 12:15 PM



Madeline’s House continues to seek financial support due to the impending loss of its shelter facility. Their services to victims of domestic violence are unique in Southside. Please pray for the shelter and its residents, and prayerfully consider how you can help.



Planning Ahead

Charge Conference this year will be on Thursday, October 25, 7 pm, at Antioch. Target date for completion of all reports for submission to the District Office is October 7.


District Conference will be Saturday, November 10, 10am to noon at South Hill UMC. Tom Berlin, gifted pastor and preacher of Floris UMC will be the keynote speaker.


Small Church Vital Congregations workshops

… will be available on Saturday, October 20 at the Main Street UMC in South Boston. You can participate in any two of ten offered workshops, in areas of Worship, Professions of Faith, Leadership, Small Groups, & Missions. The day runs from 8:30AM to 1:00PM, and is open to all, but registration by October 12 is required!

The workshops are:

1. A Church for All Ages: Appreciating the Strengths and Understanding Generational Expectations in Worship

2. Invite, Invite, and Invite Again: Ways to Increase Worship Attendance

3. Who is Your Neighbor? Building Relationships with Your Community Through Mission

4. Sharing God’s Gifts: Following the Money from the Offering Plate Into the World

5. They Need Jesus, Too: Increasing Professions of Faith in Your Congregation

6. “Know Your Story…Confirm Your Faith…Live Your Commitment”: Planning Effective Confirmation Programs

7. Discerning God’s Will for Your Church and Community: Assessing Your Church’s Potential for Vital Ministry

8. Church Leadership Essentials: Understanding Best Practices of Church Leadership

9. Relational Discipleship: Starting and Sustaining Small Groups (Step-by-Step)

10. Connecting: Creating Small Groups for Children and Youth

Talk with Alan about attending and registration.