Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Tuesday, July 17th

UMW @ Audrey Smith’s—8 pm.


Wednesday, July 18th

     Choir Practice @ Williams— 6:30 pm


Thursday, July 19th

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10 AM. We will complete our discussion of the Book of James.



Sunday, July 29:

   Lay Pastor’s Meeting at the parsonage following services. Lunch will be served!


Sunday, August 5:

Antioch Missions and Outreach meeting following worship. All those interested in planning and   carrying out mission activities Locally and using the resources of the connectional United Methodist Church are urged to participate.



Our Outreach Opportunity for July is providing educational supplies for elementary students in Lunenburg County. Without our help, many of these children won’t have the materials they need when school starts in August. As you shop in the next two weeks, please purchase items from the list below as an offering to this ministry. All supplies brought to church by worship on Sunday, July 29 will be delivered. Your offerings can be placed in the box in the rear of the Sanctuary.


Items needed:

Glue sticks

Colored pencils

Pencil erasers

Elmer’s glue

3 – ring binders

Binder dividers

Crayola crayons

Fiskar scissors

Pencil pouches



Pronged folders

Pocket folders

Book bags without wheels

#2 pencils

Pencil boxes

Dry erase markers

3” X 5” index cards

Marble notebooks

Loose-leaf paper