Transformation Journal
August 9th, 2009
Each day the Transformation Journal will offer you a scripture passage and a question or two for reflection relating to the topic of each week’s sermon. The prayer list is also on the back, so please take time to pray for those we have lifted up on Sunday.
Sunday, August 9th
Re-read today’s Psalm (Psalm 130). Picture a watchman staring into the darkness looking for the dawn (v. 6). Have you ever looked for God with that intensity? When? What are the situations in your life now in which you are waiting for God? Are you waiting with hope?
Monday, August 10th
Read John 4:1-14. Jesus pictures his water welling up out of us to reach others. Is Jesus quenching your spiritual thirst? If so, how? If not, what would it take? Are Jesus’ waters bubbling out of you to touch others? How?
Tuesday, August 11th
Read John 4:27-38. What does Jesus mean by saying that his food is to do the will and work of God? Jesus tells the disciples that he sent them into the fields to reap as a picture of ministry. How has Jesus sent you into the fields? What small step can you take to better live out that call?
Wednesday, August 12th
Read John 6:10-13; 25-27. Here the people are following after Jesus to get more bread, but he instructs them to work for food that does not spoil. How could Jesus’ call in verse 27 effect your “work?” How can you focus more on working for eternal things?
Thursday, August 13th
Read Ezekiel 33:10-11. How does God’s assurance that he desires all people to live make you feel? Are there things in your life that God desires you to turn away from so that you can live?
Friday, August 14th
Read Deuteronomy 30:11-20. How does it feel to have the choice of life laid before you? The choice of life is a choice that has to be made every day. Have you made that choice today? How?
Saturday, August 15th
Read Psalm 1. Some days we feel more like chaff (v. 4) and other days more like the tree (v.3). Which do you identify more with today? This week? What is a step you can take to be more tree-like?
Sunday, August 16th
As you get ready for worship today, take time to prepare your heart to see God. Offer this prayer: “Living God, as we gather to worship you today, help me to encounter you, to truly worship you, to hear from you and to have my life changed by you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”