Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Monday, November 1st

Bible Study @ the Parsonage—7:00 PM (Revelation 3)

Tuesday, November 2nd

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10:00 AM (Revelation 4)

Wednesday, November 3rd

Prayer Meeting @ Williams—5:45 PM

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Ushers for October-December

Jeffery Bacon, Wayne Hendricks, Earl Callis, and Ronnie Overby


Walt Moseley, Tommy Barnes, Haynie Hite, and Jimmy Chumney

‘tis the Season

...to share the abundance of what we have with those around us.  The final months of the year are dominated by Thanksgiving and Christmas, which makes this an excellent time for us to share from the abundance of what God has given us.  We are planning on a number of ways to reach out to our community in the coming months, including special collections, a food drive, the angel tree, and packaging Christmas boxes.  This is a fun season because it give us the chance to give back!

Guest Preacher

We are delighted to welcome an excellent guest preacher to lead worship for us next week.  We are looking forward to hearing how God is going to speak through her!  Rev. Gina Anderson-Cloud will join us on November 7th to share how God is at work in the Fort Lee area where she has been appointed to plant a new United  Methodist Congregation.  We have been praying for this new faith community, so you will not want to miss hearing about what God is doing in the Fort Lee area!

Fuel Assistance

Do you or someone you know need assistance with the cost of fuel this winter?   Applications for Fuel Assistance from the Virginia Department of Social Services' Energy Assistance Program are  being accepted now through Friday, November 12. Families and individuals must apply at their local department of social services.  Talk with Pastor Andrew if you would like to apply but need some help!









