Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Sunday, October 30th

Administrative Board @ Williams—9:00 AM

Lunch and Administrative Board @ Antioch—12:15 PM

Wednesday, November 2nd

Prayer @ Williams—5:45 PM

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Thursday, November 3rd

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s (1 Corinthians 9-10)—10:00 AM

Monday, November 7th

Charge Conference @ Williams—7:30 PM

Charge Conference: Snapshots of the Kingdom

On Monday, November 7th, we will be gathering at 7:30 PM to celebrate the past year and look forward to the year to come.  Our new District Superintendent, Rev. Bob Parks, will be leading us as we look at how God has been at work here.  Rev. Parks has asked us to bring pictures of our ministry over the last year in addition to our reports.  Please let Pastor Andrew know if you will be bringing a picture!  (Please remember that all reports are due today!)

Take a Can, Leave a Can

Williams UMC has begun an informal food pantry in the Sunday School room.  Please bring canned items as you have the ability and feel free to take items as you have the need!



Outreach Opportunities!

Thank you very much to Williams and Antioch churches for     contributing $265 (approximately 33 turkeys!) to the People’s Community  Center for Thanksgiving turkeys. 

As we approach Advent, prepare to bless those in need:

· Salvation Army Food Collection—Please join us as we collect nonperishable food items for the Salvation Army throughout the month of November. 

· Angel Tree—Coming soon!  Prepare to make Christmas      special for the children in our community.

· Christmas Stockings—This year, we will be making Christmas stockings to bless people in our community who need to be reminded that we love them and wish to be a  support and encouragement to them.  During the first two Sundays of November, we will have a clipboard for you to write down the names of people needing extra Christmas cheer. Later in the month, you will be invited to donate items for the stockings or make a financial contribution to the purchase of gifts.













































Rev. Andrew Book, Pastor

Church Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314

3311 South Hill Road, Kenbridge, VA 23944


Sunday Worship Services

Williams UMC 9:30 am                      Antioch UMC 11:00 am