Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Monday, June 28th

Bible Study @ the Parsonage—7:00 PM

Reading: Matthew 17

Tuesday, June 29th

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10:00 AM

Reading: Matthew 18

UMW—7:30 PM

Wednesday, June 30th

Prayer Meeting @ Williams—5:45 PM

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations

As we begin the summer, we are starting a new season at Antioch and Williams as well — a season of examining our fruitfulness as churches.  Throughout the summer, we will focus on five practices we can do as a church to help us live out God's mission for us more fully.  We will explore in depth the following five practices:

1.      Radical hospitality;

2.      Passionate worship;

3.      Intentional faith development;

4.      Risk-taking mission and service; and

5.      Extravagant generosity. 

In addition to attending Sunday morning worship and learning more about each week's focus, I hope every one of you will take a few minutes each day to work through our special editions of the  Transformation Journal concerning cultivating fruitfulness. 

Once we have concluded the sermon series, we will gather outside of worship in order to discern how we want to live out these five practices in our churches.  It is time for us to decide how to be the people of God in practical, authentic, and relevant terms in order to cultivate optimal circumstances for becoming more healthy as a community, bearing fruit, and reaching out to those in need around us.  For more information, check out www.fivepractices.org.

All Hand’s on Deck!

We have partnered with The Shepherd’s Inn (a shelter working to help homeless men get off the streets) in South Hill to construct a shelter that will help them with their ministry.  The Shepherd’s Inn has received the pieces and now it is time for us to take care of the construction.  Mark your calendars for ...






