Opportunities for Ministry and Service


The church office will be closed throughout June. If there is a pastoral emergency, please call the church office voicemail to be directed to the pastor on call. Rev. Tim Beck and Rev. Don Jamison will be covering for Pastor Andrew during his paternity leave.



Bible Study (Thursday @ 10 AM at Audrey Smith’s home) We will be looking at Acts 12-15 this week. Join us!


Paternity Leave

Pastor Andrew will be on paternity leave beginning May 29th until the end of June.  If you have a pastoral emergency during this time, please call the church office to be directed to the pastor on call (Re. Tim Beck or Rev. Don Jamison




Outreach Opportunities!

Please participate in these events coming up in our community:

· Kits for Annual Conference—Cleaning Buckets, Health Kits, School Kits, Baby/Layette Kits, and Birthing Kits will be collected June 12th . We encourage you to shop for and prepare the kit with a child in our community to share with them the fun of giving to people in need. 







Rev. Andrew Book, Pastor

Church Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314

3311 South Hill Road, Kenbridge, VA 23944


Sunday Worship Services

Williams UMC 9:30 am                      Antioch UMC 11:00 am




































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