Opportunities for Ministry and
Service Wednesday, May 30th Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM Prayer Meeting @ Williams—7:00 PM Thursday, May 31st Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s (2 Timothy)—10 AM Pastoral Care If
you or someone you know is in a situation where they need to talk with
Pastor Andrew, please call him at 434-321-8706 to be sure he knows what is
going on! Charge Conference Join us today at 3:00 PM at Antioch as we gather
as a charge to take care of business related to the pastoral
transition. Hope to see you there! Ladies Lunch The ladies of the charge (Williams and Antioch)
would like to take Joy out to lunch at Brian's on Saturday, June 9th
at 11:30. Please contact Brenda Barnes at 676-3630 or e-mail barnestb@earthlink.net and let her know if you can
come because they need to get a count.
Susie Wolf Preaching Susie Wolf, who recently served as a delegate to
the worldwide United Methodist General Conference, will be preaching
next Sunday, June 3rd. Come out next week to hear about how God
is at work through the United Methodist Church around the world! Madeline’s House Madeline’s
House is losing the building it calls home to a massive government project
slated for the area. They need
community support to transition to a new location. Please consider how you can help this
vital ministry in this time of transition.
For more information, call 434.292.1077. Outreach Opportunities! Kits for Annual Conference— School Kits, Baby/Layette Kits, and Birthing
Kits will be collected June 17th . We encourage
you to shop for and prepare the kit with a child in our community to share
with them the fun of giving to people in need. Special
thanks to everyone who gave to our collection for Lunenburg Health
Service. We raised
over $249!
Andrew Book, Pastor Church
Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314 Sunday
Worship Services Williams
UMC 9:30 am Antioch
UMC 11:00 am