Opportunities for Ministry and Service


Monday, May 17th

Bible Study @ the Parsonage—7:00 PM

Reading: Matthew 14

Tuesday, May 18th

Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s home—10:00 AM

Reading: Matthew 15

Wednesday, May 19th

Prayer Meeting @ Williams—5:45 PM

Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM

Saturday, May 22nd

Relay for Life @ Central High School

What is Our Labor of Love?

We are getting ready to move into the next phase of the process to determine our labor of love—why it is that we are here.  We will be setting dates soon to look at our next steps, so continue to be in prayer and conversation about God’s call upon us as a church. 

What’s so special about 5?

If there were five things that you could do to make your life better, would you do them?  What about for our church?  If there were five things that we could do to strengthen our church, would you be  interested?

Find out more at www.fivepractices.org

Virginia United Methodist Homes

Virginia United Methodist Homes is an organization that seeks to provide quality living environments for the elderly around the state.    Each year, Virginia United Methodist Homes invites churches throughout the conference to consider giving a “Samaritan Offering” to help residents who are unable to pay for their ongoing needs.  If you are interested in giving to the Samaritan Offering, more information and offering envelopes are on the bulletin board.















Rev. Andrew Book, Pastor

Church Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314

3311 South Hill Road, Kenbridge, VA 23944


Sunday Worship Services

Williams UMC 9:30 am          Antioch UMC 11:00 am