Opportunities for
Ministry and Service Opportunities for Ministry and
Service Wednesday, April 11th Worship @ Pine View—10:00 AM Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM Prayer Meeting @ Williams—7:00 PM Thursday, April 12th Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s (Philippians
3-4)—10:00 AM Saturday, April 14th Men’s Breakfast @ Williams—8:00 AM Encountering Jesus Has today’s message resonated with
you? Do you need to encounter the
risen Christ in new and powerful ways?
You are encouraged to join
us for Sunday worship on April
22nd as we begin a
series of worship services that are focused on Encountering Jesus.
Our faith is both communal and personal, and if we have not
encountered Jesus ourselves, our life of faith will struggle. Join us as we seek Christ together! General Conference General
Conference is the United Methodist Church’s top legislative body,
and it is the only entity that speaks for The United Methodist Church.
General Conference will gather April 24-May 4 in Tampa, Florida.
Nine hundred eighty-eight delegates from around the world will set policy
and direction for the church as well as handle other business. The
business of General Conference is essential to the church, and the
decisions made at General Conference this year will impact our denomination
and our local church for a long time. So, please set aside some time in the
coming weeks to pray for the delegates and the conference as a whole! Outreach Opportunities! Please
join us next Sunday for Outreach Sunday.
We will be learning about Nothing but Nets and how we can
make a difference in the fight against malaria! Special
thanks to everyone who gave to our special collection to support the
feeding program for the seniors among the
people of Edisto. We raised
$417! That’s enough to pay for more
than 170 meals! ($2.40 per meal). If you would like to give and were unable
to give earlier, talk to Joy Daigle Book.
Andrew Book, Pastor Church
Office and Parsonage — (434) 676-2314 Sunday
Worship Services Williams
UMC 9:30 am Antioch
UMC 11:00 am