Opportunities for
Ministry and Service
Monday, March 8th
Bible Study @ the
Parsonage—7:00 PM Reading: Matthew
Tuesday, March 9th
Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10:00 AM
Readings: Matthew 8 [Leviticus 5:3; 11:7-8;
Proverbs 3:19-26]
Wednesday, March 10th
Worship @ Pine
View—10:00 AM
Lenten Lunches @
Kenbridge UMC—12:00 PM
Prayer Meeting @ Williams—5:45 PM
Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM
Saturday, March 13th
Men’s Breakfast @ Williams—8:00
Relay for Life Pancake
Supper @ Dundas Hunt Club—6:00 PM
Pennies from Heaven.
Ash Wednesday, we placed a container on our dining room tables and are setting aside 2 cents a
meal and offering a prayer for those who are hungry. If you have not started yet, please participate
from today through the rest of Lent.
Don’t miss out on this wonderful time of reflection and
participation in serving the hungry in our community.
Lenten Lunches
Kenbridge area churches are joining together for a series of programs
throughout Lent. These lunches take
place at different churches around Kenbridge and feature pastors from many
of the local churches presenting a lesson on the last words of Jesus. You are invited to bring a sandwich
(drinks are provided) and come! This
week’s lunch will be at Kenbridge Christian Church and will look at Jesus’
cry “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?.”
Our Online Community
we send out emails to those within the church community who use this means
of communication. If you are not
receiving our emails, please add your email address to the list in
the back of the church.
Additionally, the Transformation Journal and other information
(Charis Storms and Mongolia, Pennies from Heaven, and more) is on the
Antioch website www.antiochmethodistchurch.org. Look us up on Facebook as well and
join the discussion about Lenten disciplines!
Phone Tree
church phone tree, to be used in times of church closure, is in need of
updating! If you are interested in
working on this project, please talk with Pastor Andrew.