Opportunities for
Ministry and Service
Sunday, February 20th
3rd Sunday lunch @ Williams—12:30 PM
Tuesday, February 22nd
UMW @ —8:00 PM
Wednesday, February 23rd
Prayer Meeting @ Williams—5:45 PM
Choir @ Williams—6:30 PM
Thursday, February 24th
Bible Study @ Audrey Smith’s—10:00 AM (Revelation
Lay Servants Academy
25-27th, lay leaders from all around the conference will be gathering at
the Conference Center in Blackstone to take eighteen courses including Lay
Speaking and an overview of United Methodism. If you are interested in growing your
faith and increasing your skills for ministry, this is a great
opportunity. For more information,
see the “Events” section of conference website (www.vaumc.org) or talk to
Pastor Andrew.
Learning to Pray...
Lent (the season of preparation leading up to Easter), we will be focusing
our attention on prayer. Stay tuned
for more information about how you can get involved as we set aside this
special season to grow in our understanding and practice of prayer.
Bible Study Schedule
Monday evening Bible Study is going on sabbatical for a time while the
morning Bible Study has moved to Thursday morning. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to
join us at Audrey Smith’s home Thursday as we dig into the book of
Revelation (chapters 16-18 this week!).
Ushers for January-April
Bacon, Frank Bacon, Haynie Hite, and William
Bacon, Walter Moseley, Earl Callis, and Chris
Outreach Opportunities!
School Supply Collection! As the elementary school reaches it
half-way point in the school year, the students’ supplies are running
low. Let’s give our teachers the
support they need by giving
generously. Throughout the month of February, we want to fill our
donation box with supplies! [Big
pink erasers, pencils and notebook paper are in high demand.]